France : How did the persecution of Muslims become similar to the persecution of Jews in the thirties?

France : How did the persecution of Muslims become similar to the persecution of Jews in the thirties?  In light of the legal restrictions and media incitement experienced by the Muslims of France, many critics pointed out that the situation of Muslims in France is very similar to what the Jews suffered in during the thirties of the last century, thus arousing the anger and condemnation of the extreme right-wing camp in France.  Only a few months separate the French from the date of holding the presidential elections, which seem to be hot, in light of what appeared to be the intense competition between the various candidates represented in the majority of political trends and currents in France.  Thus, some files and thorny issues became the focus of competition between the parties, in which each party seeks to win over its audience and gain more votes based on its position and point of view on the controversial issue.  In addition to social, political and economic issues, some personalities decided to invoke “historical memory” to guide the views of the French street, as the current French President Emmanuel Macron, along with some candidates from the left, is constantly trying to provoke.  In the same vein, and in an attempt to weaken the extreme right-wing camp and put it in a corner, the socialist candidate, Anne Hidalgo, said during a mass meeting in the French city of Perpignan on December 11, that "the language of the thirties against the Jews applies today to Muslims."  In her speech, Hidalgo attacked the extreme right-wing that is being promoted during its electoral campaign by its candidates, most notably Eric Zemmour, racism and anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant, and called for the unification of the French.  Hidalgo's comparison of the situation of Muslims to that of the Jews during the 1930s drew the attention of many to question the facts of this.  France persecutes and deports Jews French President Emmanuel Macron has previously spoken of a dark era in French history related to the persecution of Jews. This infuriated the right-wingers, led by Eric Zemmour, who considered that Macron was manipulating and manipulating French history.  Regarding this historical stage, many historical sources revealed that after Marshal Philip Petain assumed the leadership of the Vichy government in 1940, following the victories he achieved during the First and Second World Wars, and his response to the German attack on France, he adopted a hostile policy towards the Jewish families in France.  And Marshal Petain entered into a secret alliance and cooperation with the Germans after taking power. Within the framework of cooperation and joint coordination between the two parties, Bitan arrested thousands of Jews and committed massacres against them, and deported thousands of them to German concentration camps.  Later, a number of historical and official sources confirmed the deportation of about 75,000 Jews from France at that time, out of the 330,000 who lived there. Most of them were killed in German camps, and only a few thousand survived.  Commenting on this incident, which at the time marked French history with darkness and tyranny, Macron said during the ceremony honoring Marshal Petain: "It is completely legitimate to pay tribute to the leaders who led the army to victory, among them, of course, Philippe Petain," who dealt during World War II with the Nazi occupation and had to Head of the Vichy government that contributed to the transfer of French Jews to the Holocaust.  Historians refer to the promotion of the idea, at the time, that the Jews represent a problem and are considered a threat to the identity of the French state, and this is the same accusation leveled against Muslims in France today.  On the same level, the French sociologist, Professor Raphael Liuger, said in a previous interview with Anadolu Agency following the spread of insulting images of the Prophet Muhammad in France: “I believe that these drawings contain violence. There is a common denominator between what the Jews lived in the thirties of the last century and what is happening to Muslims.” today".  Liugier explained that the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, are similar to those drawn by far-right magazines in France against the Jews in the 1930s.  Muslims of France,Isolation and persecution Some activists and critics have taken advantage of the Jewish issue to highlight the persecution and oppression experienced by Muslims in France today. And it is getting stronger day after day, amid campaigns of incitement waged by the extreme right-wing camp, which is known for its historical hostility to Islam and Muslims.  Although Muslims in France today exceed 6 million people, according to official statistics, they live in isolation, alienation and insecurity, reinforced by laws that tightened the state's grip on all aspects of their lives. Meanwhile, they face racism and hatred as a result of media incitement that put them in the dock, and chose them, under political and ideological guidance, as scapegoats for every "terrorist" operation that takes place in France.  On October 2, 2020, French President Emmanuel Macron presented his plan to combat what he called "separatist tendencies" as part of the "Promoting the Values ​​of the Republic" law, so that the discussion later took a turn other than trying to integrate Muslims and monitor funding channels for associations and mosques, to fighting the veil. And more legal restrictions on him, and interference in all aspects of life for Muslims.  Recently, it was forbidden to wear the veil for any girl under the age of 18 in public places, and it was permitted to allow public swimming pools to prohibit the wearing of the burkini, in addition to prohibiting people accompanying students on school trips from wearing the veil or any religious symbol.  The restrictions on Muslims continued, and the French authorities targeted all facilities and institutions to which they belong, and recently closed 21 mosques and closed many organizations and associations. German chancellor: Russia will pay a heavy price if it invades Ukraine  German Chancellor Olaf Scholz warned Russia during his first address to the German parliament that it would pay a "heavy price" if it tried to invade Ukraine. He also stressed that European countries are united in support of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.  German Chancellor Olaf Scholz warned Russia on Wednesday that it would pay a "heavy price" if it tried to invade Ukraine.  This came during his first speech before the German parliament (Bundestag) after he was sworn in as the country's new chancellor.  Schulz stressed that "European countries are united in support of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity."  "These days, we are watching with great concern the security situation on the Russian-Ukrainian border," the German chancellor added.  "We will discuss the latest developments in the region intensively at the European Council and the EU Eastern Partnership Summit, which will be held in Brussels on Wednesday afternoon," he added.  And he added, "If everyone does not understand this yet, I repeat what my predecessor (Angela Merkel) said that any violation of territorial integrity will have a price, and a heavy price," while fears of Moscow's invasion of Ukraine increase.  The German chancellor called on Russia to refrain from escalatory measures, stressing that European countries are ready for a "constructive dialogue" with Moscow.  Relations between Kiev and Moscow have been experiencing escalating tension for nearly 7 years, due to Russia's illegal annexation of the Ukrainian Crimea and its support for separatists loyal to it in the Donbass.  And recently, Western countries have accused Russia of amassing troops near the Ukrainian border.  Washington has threatened to impose sanctions on Russia if it "launches" an attack on Ukraine.  For its part, Moscow rejected the accusations about the movements of its forces inside Russian territory, and denied any "aggressive" plans it had towards Ukraine. A separatist extremist seeks to ignite massacres against Bosnian Muslims, Who is Milorad Dodik?  For years, the extremist Bosnian Serb President Milorad Dodik has been pushing the country to disintegrate and return to the blood vortex from which it emerged in 1995. On nationalist politics, glorifying former war criminals and denying the atrocities they committed, Dodik bases his political line with the support of major external powers.  The dangerous secession plan being implemented by the President of the Republic of Bosnian Serbs, Milorad Dodik, by withdrawing the Bosnian Serbs from the three main joint institutions of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is only one of the years he spent trying to finish off the country's full sovereignty over its territory under the 1995 Dayton Agreement.  Following that plan, the Bosnian Serb parliament decided on Friday to withdraw the powers of the country’s administration from the central authority in Sarajevo, by passing the decision to withdraw Serb officials from the army, judiciary and tax institutions. Which was described by international reports as "the most serious existential threat" by taking the country a step backwards, to the quagmire of ethnic and sectarian fighting (1992-1995).  While President Dodik, a former reformist moderate and now a nationalist extremist, does not seem to care about these risks as much as he is keen on his narrow electoral and political interests. He preferred to dismantle the country and push it toward the slippery slope of fighting, playing the role of the active hand in favor of external parties, who also support it in fulfillment of their own strategic interests.  Dodik towards national extremism During the Bosnian war, Dodik played a moderate political role, representing the moderate opposition within the Bosnian Serb parliament, in contrast to the ruling "Serbian Democratic Party" with a nationalist orientation that supported the genocide that was taking place on the ground against the Bosnian Muslims. This is the opposition from which will emerge in 1996 the "Alliance of Free Social Democrats", which Dodik leads until now.  The "Alliance of Free Social Democrats", as is notable by its name, adopted a reformist social democracy. Through it, Dodik confirmed the reputation he had as a different name than the blood on his hands, which earned him Western support during the post-war period. And made him win the Prime Minister of the Republika Srpska in 1998, where he will enjoy Western support was aimed at marginalizing his national opponents.  He will become the godfather of European financial support for the fledgling republic. This is how we find the international press describing him, during his meeting at the time, on May 8, 1998, with the leaders of the donor countries in Brussels as "the man who formed the opposition within the Bosnian Serb parliament during the war, and maintained his relations with the Muslim opposition in the country, and now he is reaping the fruits of his moderation."  During his second term as prime minister (2006-2010), Dodik's ideological shift began to dominate the surface. Dodik at that time became the most powerful politician in the country, while this shift towards extreme nationalism will become more prominent with his victory in the presidential elections in 2010, as he will work hard to divide the country and independence in the Republika Srpska for himself. Where he called more than once to hold a referendum on the independence of his autonomous republic, calls that were rejected by the central state in Sarajevo, and the condemnation of the Western international community as threatening peace in the region.  He returned to imposing a fait accompli by calling for the withdrawal of Serbs from the basic common institutions of the country, as pledged by Milorad Dodik, the Bosnian Serb leader, in his speech on October 22, to establish a "Republican Serbian Army", stressing that "it is no longer a united Bosnian state." Presence". This was described by the UN envoy to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Christian Schmidt, as "the most serious existential threat facing the country during the post-war (civil) phase."  Denial of Srebrenica and glorifying its serial killer Since Dodik's second term as prime minister, he has been demonstrating his open hostility to Muslims. One of the decisions he took during that period (in 2008) was that the Bosniak judges did not exercise their duties in the republic’s courts, justifying this as “it is unacceptable for the Bosnian Serbs to allow Muslim judges to decide cases... just because they are Muslims who hold a view of hostility to us and conspire against us.” Claims condemned by the US Embassy as "extremist chauvinism."  However, this hostility took a more escalating tone by seeking to obliterate the features of the Srebrenica massacre committed by a Serbian unit known as "The Scorpions" under the command of the war criminal Ratko Mladic, which claimed the lives of more than 8,000 Bosnians under the eyes of the international forces.  Where he denies the President of the Bosnian Serb occur, saying that " the Bosnian Serbs will never admit that Srebrenica was a massacre." He also reiterated in other previous press statements that it is a "legend" and that the Bosnians "need that myth to build their identity, and that is why they made it up." In 2019, he set up a committee under the name “Historical Inquiry” into the truth of what happened in order to prove his denial with academic reports.  A committee headed by the Israeli academic, Gideon Graefe, concluded what favored the president that "there was no massacre", justifying that "the report was mainly aimed at achieving reconciliation. The facts come in the service of peace between all parties to the issue." The report drew widespread international condemnation and calls for Graefe to be stripped of the German Medal of Merit for his Holocaust research.  Dodik did not stop there, but skipped him to praise the criminal Ratko Mladic, describing him after his conviction by the International Tribunal as "becoming a mythological hero of the Serbian nation" and commenting on the Hague ruling as "a farce and politicized, and the court in The Hague has shown that it wants to demonize the Serbs."  Russian support and manipulation by third parties Milorad Dodik has good relations with both Russia and China, as he admitted recently in a newspaper interview in late November, when he said: "When I go to Putin, I do not need to make demands, but he is the one who asks me what can be done to help me." . He added, "The Russian president never failed me when he made his promises to me, and on this basis I have great confidence in him."  He added, "The same for China, Xi Jinping always tells me if there is anything to help you with, I am at your service." Which explains the previous Russian efforts to obstruct the report of the UN envoy to Bosnia, Christian Schmidt, who warns that “the divisions between the Bosnian parties are widening, and the danger of war is more serious, while any weakness in the response to this situation may threaten the Dayton Agreement, At a time of increasing external interference in the affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Such as the Russians' threat to block the vote on renewing the missions of the European forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina, "Eurovar", if Schmidt did not withdraw his accusations against Serbian officials.  On the other hand, this comes at a time when Russian-Western relations are in their worst state since the Cold War, following the escalation of the conflict in eastern Ukraine and growing fears of an invasion by Moscow's forces in its eastern neighbor. In addition, Alexander Lukashenko, Putin's Belarusian ally, used the migrants' card to pressure the European Union, what the latter considered a "hybrid attack" on its borders.  Observers believe that what Bosnia and Herzegovina is witnessing is linked to all of the above, especially since the "G7" group (the European Union, America, Britain, France, Germany and Italy) condemned in a joint statement on Saturday the decision of the Bosnian Serb parliament to withdraw from the joint institutions, and the country's government warned against "Continue to the dead end." Germany's new foreign minister, Annalina Charlotte Bierbock, on Monday called on the European Union to impose sanctions on Bosnian Serb separatist leader Milorad Dodik to curb his efforts to persuade residents of Serb-held areas to secede.  It is reported that the US Treasury had previously imposed economic sanctions on Milorad Dodik for defying the Bosnian Constitution in the matter of territorial sovereignty. In 2017, Washington prevented the President of the Republic from entering the United States.

France : How did the persecution of Muslims become similar to the persecution of Jews in the thirties?

In light of the legal restrictions and media incitement experienced by the Muslims of France, many critics pointed out that the situation of Muslims in France is very similar to what the Jews suffered in during the thirties of the last century, thus arousing the anger and condemnation of the extreme right-wing camp in France.

Only a few months separate the French from the date of holding the presidential elections, which seem to be hot, in light of what appeared to be the intense competition between the various candidates represented in the majority of political trends and currents in France.

Thus, some files and thorny issues became the focus of competition between the parties, in which each party seeks to win over its audience and gain more votes based on its position and point of view on the controversial issue.

In addition to social, political and economic issues, some personalities decided to invoke “historical memory” to guide the views of the French street, as the current French President Emmanuel Macron, along with some candidates from the left, is constantly trying to provoke.

In the same vein, and in an attempt to weaken the extreme right-wing camp and put it in a corner, the socialist candidate, Anne Hidalgo, said during a mass meeting in the French city of Perpignan on December 11, that "the language of the thirties against the Jews applies today to Muslims."

In her speech, Hidalgo attacked the extreme right-wing that is being promoted during its electoral campaign by its candidates, most notably Eric Zemmour, racism and anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant, and called for the unification of the French.

Hidalgo's comparison of the situation of Muslims to that of the Jews during the 1930s drew the attention of many to question the facts of this.

France persecutes and deports Jews
French President Emmanuel Macron has previously spoken of a dark era in French history related to the persecution of Jews. This infuriated the right-wingers, led by Eric Zemmour, who considered that Macron was manipulating and manipulating French history.

Regarding this historical stage, many historical sources revealed that after Marshal Philip Petain assumed the leadership of the Vichy government in 1940, following the victories he achieved during the First and Second World Wars, and his response to the German attack on France, he adopted a hostile policy towards the Jewish families in France.

And Marshal Petain entered into a secret alliance and cooperation with the Germans after taking power. Within the framework of cooperation and joint coordination between the two parties, Bitan arrested thousands of Jews and committed massacres against them, and deported thousands of them to German concentration camps.

Later, a number of historical and official sources confirmed the deportation of about 75,000 Jews from France at that time, out of the 330,000 who lived there. Most of them were killed in German camps, and only a few thousand survived.

Commenting on this incident, which at the time marked French history with darkness and tyranny, Macron said during the ceremony honoring Marshal Petain: "It is completely legitimate to pay tribute to the leaders who led the army to victory, among them, of course, Philippe Petain," who dealt during World War II with the Nazi occupation and had to Head of the Vichy government that contributed to the transfer of French Jews to the Holocaust.

Historians refer to the promotion of the idea, at the time, that the Jews represent a problem and are considered a threat to the identity of the French state, and this is the same accusation leveled against Muslims in France today.

On the same level, the French sociologist, Professor Raphael Liuger, said in a previous interview with Anadolu Agency following the spread of insulting images of the Prophet Muhammad in France: “I believe that these drawings contain violence. There is a common denominator between what the Jews lived in the thirties of the last century and what is happening to Muslims.” today".

Liugier explained that the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, are similar to those drawn by far-right magazines in France against the Jews in the 1930s.

Muslims of France,Isolation and persecution
Some activists and critics have taken advantage of the Jewish issue to highlight the persecution and oppression experienced by Muslims in France today. And it is getting stronger day after day, amid campaigns of incitement waged by the extreme right-wing camp, which is known for its historical hostility to Islam and Muslims.

Although Muslims in France today exceed 6 million people, according to official statistics, they live in isolation, alienation and insecurity, reinforced by laws that tightened the state's grip on all aspects of their lives. Meanwhile, they face racism and hatred as a result of media incitement that put them in the dock, and chose them, under political and ideological guidance, as scapegoats for every "terrorist" operation that takes place in France.

On October 2, 2020, French President Emmanuel Macron presented his plan to combat what he called "separatist tendencies" as part of the "Promoting the Values ​​of the Republic" law, so that the discussion later took a turn other than trying to integrate Muslims and monitor funding channels for associations and mosques, to fighting the veil. And more legal restrictions on him, and interference in all aspects of life for Muslims.

Recently, it was forbidden to wear the veil for any girl under the age of 18 in public places, and it was permitted to allow public swimming pools to prohibit the wearing of the burkini, in addition to prohibiting people accompanying students on school trips from wearing the veil or any religious symbol.

The restrictions on Muslims continued, and the French authorities targeted all facilities and institutions to which they belong, and recently closed 21 mosques and closed many organizations and associations.

German chancellor: Russia will pay a heavy price if it invades Ukraine

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz warned Russia during his first address to the German parliament that it would pay a "heavy price" if it tried to invade Ukraine. He also stressed that European countries are united in support of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz warned Russia on Wednesday that it would pay a "heavy price" if it tried to invade Ukraine.

This came during his first speech before the German parliament (Bundestag) after he was sworn in as the country's new chancellor.

Schulz stressed that "European countries are united in support of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity."

"These days, we are watching with great concern the security situation on the Russian-Ukrainian border," the German chancellor added.

"We will discuss the latest developments in the region intensively at the European Council and the EU Eastern Partnership Summit, which will be held in Brussels on Wednesday afternoon," he added.

And he added, "If everyone does not understand this yet, I repeat what my predecessor (Angela Merkel) said that any violation of territorial integrity will have a price, and a heavy price," while fears of Moscow's invasion of Ukraine increase.

The German chancellor called on Russia to refrain from escalatory measures, stressing that European countries are ready for a "constructive dialogue" with Moscow.

Relations between Kiev and Moscow have been experiencing escalating tension for nearly 7 years, due to Russia's illegal annexation of the Ukrainian Crimea and its support for separatists loyal to it in the Donbass.

And recently, Western countries have accused Russia of amassing troops near the Ukrainian border.

Washington has threatened to impose sanctions on Russia if it "launches" an attack on Ukraine.

For its part, Moscow rejected the accusations about the movements of its forces inside Russian territory, and denied any "aggressive" plans it had towards Ukraine.

A separatist extremist seeks to ignite massacres against Bosnian Muslims, Who is Milorad Dodik?

For years, the extremist Bosnian Serb President Milorad Dodik has been pushing the country to disintegrate and return to the blood vortex from which it emerged in 1995. On nationalist politics, glorifying former war criminals and denying the atrocities they committed, Dodik bases his political line with the support of major external powers.

The dangerous secession plan being implemented by the President of the Republic of Bosnian Serbs, Milorad Dodik, by withdrawing the Bosnian Serbs from the three main joint institutions of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is only one of the years he spent trying to finish off the country's full sovereignty over its territory under the 1995 Dayton Agreement.

Following that plan, the Bosnian Serb parliament decided on Friday to withdraw the powers of the country’s administration from the central authority in Sarajevo, by passing the decision to withdraw Serb officials from the army, judiciary and tax institutions. Which was described by international reports as "the most serious existential threat" by taking the country a step backwards, to the quagmire of ethnic and sectarian fighting (1992-1995).

While President Dodik, a former reformist moderate and now a nationalist extremist, does not seem to care about these risks as much as he is keen on his narrow electoral and political interests. He preferred to dismantle the country and push it toward the slippery slope of fighting, playing the role of the active hand in favor of external parties, who also support it in fulfillment of their own strategic interests.

Dodik towards national extremism
During the Bosnian war, Dodik played a moderate political role, representing the moderate opposition within the Bosnian Serb parliament, in contrast to the ruling "Serbian Democratic Party" with a nationalist orientation that supported the genocide that was taking place on the ground against the Bosnian Muslims. This is the opposition from which will emerge in 1996 the "Alliance of Free Social Democrats", which Dodik leads until now.

The "Alliance of Free Social Democrats", as is notable by its name, adopted a reformist social democracy. Through it, Dodik confirmed the reputation he had as a different name than the blood on his hands, which earned him Western support during the post-war period. And made him win the Prime Minister of the Republika Srpska in 1998, where he will enjoy Western support was aimed at marginalizing his national opponents.

He will become the godfather of European financial support for the fledgling republic. This is how we find the international press describing him, during his meeting at the time, on May 8, 1998, with the leaders of the donor countries in Brussels as "the man who formed the opposition within the Bosnian Serb parliament during the war, and maintained his relations with the Muslim opposition in the country, and now he is reaping the fruits of his moderation."

During his second term as prime minister (2006-2010), Dodik's ideological shift began to dominate the surface.
Dodik at that time became the most powerful politician in the country, while this shift towards extreme nationalism will become more prominent with his victory in the presidential elections in 2010, as he will work hard to divide the country and independence in the Republika Srpska for himself. Where he called more than once to hold a referendum on the independence of his autonomous republic, calls that were rejected by the central state in Sarajevo, and the condemnation of the Western international community as threatening peace in the region.

He returned to imposing a fait accompli by calling for the withdrawal of Serbs from the basic common institutions of the country, as pledged by Milorad Dodik, the Bosnian Serb leader, in his speech on October 22, to establish a "Republican Serbian Army", stressing that "it is no longer a united Bosnian state." Presence". This was described by the UN envoy to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Christian Schmidt, as "the most serious existential threat facing the country during the post-war (civil) phase."

Denial of Srebrenica and glorifying its serial killer
Since Dodik's second term as prime minister, he has been demonstrating his open hostility to Muslims. One of the decisions he took during that period (in 2008) was that the Bosniak judges did not exercise their duties in the republic’s courts, justifying this as “it is unacceptable for the Bosnian Serbs to allow Muslim judges to decide cases... just because they are Muslims who hold a view of hostility to us and conspire against us.” Claims condemned by the US Embassy as "extremist chauvinism."

However, this hostility took a more escalating tone by seeking to obliterate the features of the Srebrenica massacre committed by a Serbian unit known as "The Scorpions" under the command of the war criminal Ratko Mladic, which claimed the lives of more than 8,000 Bosnians under the eyes of the international forces.

Where he denies the President of the Bosnian Serb occur, saying that " the Bosnian Serbs will never admit that Srebrenica was a massacre." He also reiterated in other previous press statements that it is a "legend" and that the Bosnians "need that myth to build their identity, and that is why they made it up." In 2019, he set up a committee under the name “Historical Inquiry” into the truth of what happened in order to prove his denial with academic reports.

A committee headed by the Israeli academic, Gideon Graefe, concluded what favored the president that "there was no massacre", justifying that "the report was mainly aimed at achieving reconciliation. The facts come in the service of peace between all parties to the issue." The report drew widespread international condemnation and calls for Graefe to be stripped of the German Medal of Merit for his Holocaust research.

Dodik did not stop there, but skipped him to praise the criminal Ratko Mladic, describing him after his conviction by the International Tribunal as "becoming a mythological hero of the Serbian nation" and commenting on the Hague ruling as "a farce and politicized, and the court in The Hague has shown that it wants to demonize the Serbs."

Russian support and manipulation by third parties
Milorad Dodik has good relations with both Russia and China, as he admitted recently in a newspaper interview in late November, when he said: "When I go to Putin, I do not need to make demands, but he is the one who asks me what can be done to help me." . He added, "The Russian president never failed me when he made his promises to me, and on this basis I have great confidence in him."

He added, "The same for China, Xi Jinping always tells me if there is anything to help you with, I am at your service."
Which explains the previous Russian efforts to obstruct the report of the UN envoy to Bosnia, Christian Schmidt, who warns that “the divisions between the Bosnian parties are widening, and the danger of war is more serious, while any weakness in the response to this situation may threaten the Dayton Agreement, At a time of increasing external interference in the affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Such as the Russians' threat to block the vote on renewing the missions of the European forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina, "Eurovar", if Schmidt did not withdraw his accusations against Serbian officials.

On the other hand, this comes at a time when Russian-Western relations are in their worst state since the Cold War, following the escalation of the conflict in eastern Ukraine and growing fears of an invasion by Moscow's forces in its eastern neighbor. In addition, Alexander Lukashenko, Putin's Belarusian ally, used the migrants' card to pressure the European Union, what the latter considered a "hybrid attack" on its borders.

Observers believe that what Bosnia and Herzegovina is witnessing is linked to all of the above, especially since the "G7" group (the European Union, America, Britain, France, Germany and Italy) condemned in a joint statement on Saturday the decision of the Bosnian Serb parliament to withdraw from the joint institutions, and the country's government warned against "Continue to the dead end." Germany's new foreign minister, Annalina Charlotte Bierbock, on Monday called on the European Union to impose sanctions on Bosnian Serb separatist leader Milorad Dodik to curb his efforts to persuade residents of Serb-held areas to secede.

It is reported that the US Treasury had previously imposed economic sanctions on Milorad Dodik for defying the Bosnian Constitution in the matter of territorial sovereignty. In 2017, Washington prevented the President of the Republic from entering the United States.


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