The origin of the story Climate change and the transformation of the world (2)
The 26th Climate Summit, which kicked off in the British city of Glasgow at the end of last month, ended on Saturday.
The summit began with wailing, wailing, denunciation and mourning, and ended with more regret, pending short-term wishes and huge investment promises, and despite the wide media coverage that the summit received on various platforms, it did not reach the level of coverage that the Corona pandemic enjoyed last year for several continuous months, spreading panic and terror in The release of the worlds.
The summit is over and the poor countries have their mouths open and their eyes wide open, waiting for the billions of showers mentioned in the summit’s decisions to fall on them, ignoring or ignoring that the summit is the summit of adults, and that these billions are nothing but the investments that adults will inject in the process of transforming the world that is witnessing Great acceleration towards achieving its goals by 2030, how did the climate story begin? And where will you end?
Talking about climate change is an integral part of the plan to transform the world that works under the slogan of sustainable development in order to move to a new stage that opens the way for massive investments of more than 4 to 5 trillion dollars annually, in which major countries and the private sector participate, and works to reshape human society and its lifestyles. in various fields
The first: the existence and treatment of climate change within the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals plan, which is currently witnessing a major acceleration process agreed upon by the Member States of the United Nations in 2019, to be able to achieve the goals by the end of the period in 2030.
Second: The administration of US President Joe Biden has adopted the sustainable development goals, foremost of which is addressing climate change, and his explicit call for the countries of the world to work together for this.
As for the third, it is the advent of the Climate Summit after the Corona pandemic, where the fantasies of terror and panic still hang over world leaders and their willingness to respond and work together more than before.
Talking about climate is not a matter of today or yesterday, just like talking about poverty, disease, development, human rights and other topics on which the United Nations subsists, and its goals are achieved only a little, and the largest share goes to the countries and organizations that control the leadership of the United Nations.
The relationship between economic development and environmental degradation first appeared in the Stockholm Conference in 1972, and in its wake the United Nations Environment Program was established, which was transformed in 2007 into the United Nations Environment Organization, and in 1987 the United Nations called for an international conference on environment and development calling for the establishment of a partnership Between developed and developing countries, based on common interests, and helping to secure the future of the planet. In 1992, the United Nations organized an international conference in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro under the name “Earth Summit”, where the United Nations adopted a framework agreement signed by 197 countries, which was Among its objectives is to work to stabilize the rates of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere to prevent their impact on the climate system.
In 1994, the treaty entered into force, after which the United Nations launched an annual summit in which member states meet on climate under the name Conference of Parties, known simply as “COP”, and the first summit was “COP 1” in Berlin in the year 1994. 1995, and then successive summits annually except for the last year 2020 due to the Corona pandemic, all the way to the Glasgow Summit 2021.
In 2000, the United Nations launched its plan known as the Millennium Goals, which ended in 2015, to be replaced by the Sustainable Development Goals plan, which ends in 2030, and the Millennium Plan included 8 strategic goals, not including climate change, only referring to it in the seventh goal “the goal of environmental sustainability.” ".
In 2015, the United Nations included climate change as an independent goal within the plan of sustainable development goals, goal No. 13, in which member states committed to providing $100 billion annually to address the repercussions of climate change on poor countries, as of 2020.
Thus, since the seventies of the last century, we have seen that the United Nations has been preoccupied with the issue of sustainable development for people, society and the Earth, with studies, reports, statements, conferences, work programs and specialized organizations.
But, who prepares studies and reports? Whoever testifies to the extent of the accuracy of its information or the integrity of its conclusions, which are often associated with the phrase “expected”, “may lead” or “may lead to”, which are non-deterministic probabilistic expressions, just as a climate catastrophe is expected, it is expected that it will not occur. This disaster?!
The Paris Agreement puts the dots on the line
In the same year in which this plan to transform the world was launched in 2015, the United Nations held its “COP 21” summit in the capital, Paris, where 196 countries signed what is known as the Paris Agreement, which entered into force in November 2016. The main focus of the COP26 summit in Glasgow, the Paris Agreement aims to limit global warming to less than two degrees Celsius than it was before the Industrial Revolution by bringing about an economic and social transformation based on the best available science, and the agreement works on a 5-year cycle of climate action The growing ambition is being carried out by the signatories to the Convention. By 2020, countries will submit their national plans for climate action known as “Nationally Determined Contributions,” which require countries to report on actions they will take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The climate summit has ended, and the poor countries are waiting for the billions mentioned in the summit’s decisions, forgetting that the summit is the summit of adults, and that these billions are nothing but the investments that adults will inject in the process of transforming the world, which is witnessing a great acceleration towards achieving its goals by 2030.
Just as the Paris Agreement provides a framework for financial and technical support and capacity-building for countries that need it, it stresses the need for large-scale investments to significantly reduce emissions, and just as climate finance is important for adaptation, significant financial resources are needed to adapt to the adverse effects and limit the effects of climate change.
The Paris Agreement also spoke of the vision of fully realizing technology development and transfer in order to improve resilience to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and establishes a technical framework to provide comprehensive guidance that accelerates technology development and transfer.
But the year 2020 was approaching year after year without the Paris Agreement achieving what it had hoped for, just as happened with the rest of the sustainable development goals, which prompted the Secretary-General of the United Nations in 2019 to announce that the next decade 2020-2030 should be the decade of accelerating the achievement of the goals Sustainable development, and the world was soon surprised by the Corona pandemic for unknown reasons so far, at least, causing a massive human, social, health and economic shock, one of the most prominent results of which was the acceleration of joint action among the countries of the world, and raising the level of response to the United Nations requests related to sustainable development goals.
The climate is an open economic market
The year 2020, which was wracked by the Corona pandemic, ended without entering the United Nations treasury, something of the 100 billion dollars that Member States committed to confront climate change in 2015, which increased the level of appeal and distress at the opening of the Glasgow Summit to frighten Member States and partners and urged them to fulfill the pledges they made. They had already made it their own, and after two weeks of sessions, discussions and deliberations, the Secretary-General said, "We have not achieved the goals in this conference, but we have some basic building blocks for progress."
However, many countries in the world - led by the United States and China - have made "moral" commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, switch to clean energy and decarbonize, stop cutting forests, and reduce dependence on coal as an energy source.
However, just as the Corona pandemic ended in an economic race between pharmaceutical companies in which billions of dollars were invested and billions were poured into them, nearly 500 global financial services companies from the private sector agreed to align $130 trillion - or about 40% of global financial assets - with the goals stipulated in the The Paris Agreement, including limiting global warming to 1.5°C, and more than 100 governments, cities, states and major companies have signed the Glasgow Declaration on Zero Emissions Cars and Vans with the goal of halting the sale of internal combustion engines by 2035 in leading markets and around the world by 2040.
At least 13 countries have committed to ending the sale of heavy vehicles powered by fossil fuels by 2040, and 11 countries - including Ireland, France, Denmark and Costa Rica - have created the so-called "Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance", the first of its kind, to set a deadline to stop drilling. About oil and gas and their extraction, and this alliance will urge other countries to enter into it or form similar alliances, and will open the way for new investments in the areas of clean alternative energy.
Talking about climate change is an integral part of the plan to transform the world that works under the slogan of sustainable development in order to move to a new stage that opens the way for massive investments of more than 4 to 5 trillion dollars annually, in which major countries and the private sector participate, and works to reshape human society. And his lifestyle in various fields, and international, regional and local events will accelerate in the coming years, which number 3,110 covering different areas of the transformation process according to the 17 declared goals of sustainable development.(Mahmoud Abdel Hadi)
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