One of the great scientific miracles in Surat An-Nahl

One of the great scientific miracles in Surat An-Nahl  Said Said - The bees are still able to fascinate scientists despite the fact that their brain contains less than a billion neurons - bees fascinate scientists.. they are able to learn abstract mathematics! Bees fly to sip the nectar of flowers, so they move away from their cell thousands of meters, then return to it again without missing it and enter another cell   The Almighty said: “And your Lord revealed to the bees that you take homes from the mountains and from the trees and what they live on * Then eat of all the fruits and follow the paths of your Lord submissively, from their bellies comes a drink of different colors in which there is healing for people. Indeed, in that is a sign for people who think.” (An-Nahl, Verse: 68, 69)  God - Glory be to Him, the Most High - has mentioned in His Noble Book an-Nahl, as He named an entire surah by the name of Surat An-Nahl, for God - Glory be to Him, the Most High - wants to draw our attention to the greatness of this small creature in which the power of God Almighty is manifested (My Minister, the miracles of the Noble Qur’an in architecture and construction, p.: 144).  Social class organization Extensive studies have been conducted about this kingdom, showing the divisions between bee species and defining the mission of each of them:  A class whose task is to collect flower nectar and deposit it in its warehouses from the hive. And a class that works inside the cell to build hexagonal houses, and the choice of the hexagonal shape did not come as an agreement, but rather from a choice and wisdom; Any other geometric shape cannot fill all the blanks, but neglected angles remain that are not used, and the hexagonal shape does not have any neglected angle. There is a class of bees that prepares special food for the queen, and the queen’s task is only to procreate, because after she lays her eggs, she dies to choose a new queen from among the next generation, and all species similar to the chosen queen are killed so that the queen does not contest her authority, and there is a guard at the door of the hive who carefully searches the workers It is infinite, so that which falls on an impurity or something foul-smelling, its penalty will be killing or expulsion and prevention from entering the cell (Mustafa Muslim, Investigations in the Miracles of the Qur’an, p.: 218). The kingdom of bees consists of 3 categories: females and workers, females, queens and males (Al-Rawi, The Great Qur’an Hadith, p.: 363).  The nature and composition of honey To show God - Glory be to Him the Most High - the miracles of his book and to show its verses to people in this age, he has subjugated people to study the nature and composition of honey, and they went to dissecting the body of a bee and extracting the poison in its stomach and analyzing it to identify its properties, and they reached impressive results that reveal the miracle of the immortal book: From their bellies emerges a drink of various colors in which there is healing for people” (An-Nahl, verse 70), and in the following, references to some of these results:  As for the composition of honey, they found that it is composed of:  (25-40) Dextrose (glucose) (30 - 45) Liviose (fructose) (15-25) water And the glucose in it is more than any other food, and it is the doctor’s weapon in most diseases, and its use is constantly increasing with the progress of medicine. Poisoning arising from liver diseases and gastro-intestinal disorders and against toxicity in diets, such as typhoid, cerebral meningitis, in cases of heart failure, and in cases of angina pectoris, particularly in general infiltrates arising from acute kidney infections, in brain congestion and in brain tumors.  In America and England currently, there are apiaries that have no purposes other than raising bees to extract their serum, and treatments have worked from them for many rheumatic diseases, lambago, and sciatica, and they have succeeded in treating trachoma (granular conjunctivitis), and science still brings us every day a medical benefit from the benefits of what Comes out from the stomachs of bees of honey and poison.  During the wars, doctors used honey to treat wounds caused by intractable bullet wounds that failed to treat with radiation and other antibiotics, and honey has been used and is still a global remedy for colds by adding it to some liquids. .  American and Russian doctors agree that honey is the best treatment for people with stomach and duodenal ulcers, to be taken an hour or more before meals, and the best times are before breakfast, and there are advantages to drinking it after mixing it in a cup of warm water. Some Russian and Chinese doctors have prescribed honey to treat skin diseases, abscesses, and boils. Treating corneal ulcers in the eye with honey has given amazing results.  American Dr. Beck says, "Cancer is mostly unknown among beekeepers, and this is due either to the honey that beekeepers eat constantly, or as a result of royal jelly or pollen contained in honey, or it is the result of bee venom resulting from stinging," and experiments have proven if patients take Sugar honey under the supervision of a doctor, their blood sugar drops and returns to the normal state. These are some of what they reached regarding the issue of bees after evolution and the drink that comes out of their stomachs, and who knows what will happen after the development of the means of knowledge and discovery? You may discover properties of honey that are many times what they know now, and the eternal miracle will remain for them “in it is a cure for people” (Mustafa Muslim, Investigations in the Miracles of the Qur’an, p.: 223).  Female bees Perhaps the reader realizes that it is the female worker bees that carry out all activities without the other two groups, and therefore the other Qur’anic miracle in science and accuracy of expression is noted here, which is that the two verses in Surat Al-Nahl address the female bees and not their males: “Take houses in the mountains.” Then holistic, fascial, from their bellies.  The Almighty said: “… If you take homes from the mountains, from trees, and from what they build * Then eat of all the fruits, then follow the paths of your Lord submissively. Out of their bellies emerges a drink of different colors in which there is healing for people. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who reflect” (An-Nahl, verse: 68, 69).  Was the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - a "biologist" in order to distinguish the female worker bees from between the queen and the males, as being the intended group in the two noble verses? It is the shining divine truth that the Noble Qur’an was revealed “for a people who reflect” (Al-Rawi, Hadith of the Holy Qur’an, p.: 364).  The females in the kingdom of bees are the ones who do all the effort and work in their colonies, and the males are only for pollination only, and they do not appear until before the pollination season, then they die and perish (Waziri, The Miracle of the Noble Qur’an in Architecture and Urbanism, p.: 145).  Bee houses In the noble verse, there is a reference to the dwellings of bees and their different types. There are wild species of bees that inhabit the mountains, and some of them are subspecies that take shelter from the trees by taking refuge in the parts of the tree from the holes in the tree trunks and leaves and taking shelter from them. Containers made of clay or wood, and entomologists have found that bees perform this behavior instinctively, that is, not as a result of acquired knowledge, and this is evidence of the Almighty’s saying: - And there is no evidence for the scientific miracle of the Qur’an that it comprehends everything that bees can take as a dwelling, as previously mentioned, because if we review the types of bees, we find that they take their homes in mountains and caves, and in the earth “the soil of all kinds”, and in the trunks of trees.  Bee architect Among the signs of the Creator Almighty’s inspiration for bees is that they take the hexagonal shape as a basis for building their dwelling out of the wax they produce. In addition to the fact that this "hexagonal" geometric shape is fully prepared to perform the previous functions, the hexagonal shape of the eye requires the least amount of structural material "wax", and the hexagonal shape is the best geometric shapes that do not result in interstitial spaces, and that the number of eyes of them is in an area Certain shapes outnumber the other shapes in the same space, because the hexagon is the only shape that if each one of them is combined into its likes, there will be no gap between them. We find that when the honey bee fills the hexagonal eye with honey, it covers it with a cover of pure wax so that the honey does not absorb moisture or any odors.  Then eat of all the fruits Bees fly to sip the nectar of flowers, so they move away from their cell thousands of meters, then return to it again without missing it and enter another cell, bearing in mind that the cells in the apiaries are similar and stacked next to each other, through the senses that God - Glory be to Him - has endowed with the senses. Developed from sight and tattoo. God Almighty has provided the bee with senses to help it in the exploration journey to gather food. It is equipped with the following:  Strong sense of smell through the two horns in the front. Developed eyes that can sense ultraviolet rays, and therefore they see what our eyes do not see, such as some of the paths and inscriptions that guide and lead to the nectar store. The worker bees pass through 500 to 1500 flowering trees before the honey pocket is filled in their hollow, and this scientific fact is completely consistent with what the Almighty revealed to them in His saying: “Then eat of all the fruits” (Waziri, The Miracles of the Noble Qur’an in Architecture and Urbanism, p.: 149).  On the return trip, the bee is guided to its home with both senses of sight and smell. As for the sense of smell, it recognizes the special smell that is characteristic of the cell. As for the sense of sight, it helps to remember the features of the exploration journey. It is noticed that when the bees leave the house, they turn towards it and stand or fly in front of it for a while, as if they are examining it and studying it until it is imprinted in its memory. Then, they fly around it in circles that are getting wider and larger, and they do this by preserving the place of the house; So that she can return to him easily, and this is the evidence of the Almighty’s saying: “So follow the paths of your Lord in humiliation.” That is, he will walk in the earth among the flowers, searching for nectar, with the senses and organs that Allah, Glory be to Him, has made subservient to you.(Dr  Ali Al-Sallabi)

One of the great scientific miracles in Surat An-Nahl

The bees are still able to fascinate scientists despite the fact that their brain contains less than a billion neurons - bees fascinate scientists.. they are able to learn abstract mathematics!
Bees fly to sip the nectar of flowers, so they move away from their cell thousands of meters, then return to it again without missing it and enter another cell 

The Almighty said: “And your Lord revealed to the bees that you take homes from the mountains and from the trees and what they live on * Then eat of all the fruits and follow the paths of your Lord submissively, from their bellies comes a drink of different colors in which there is healing for people. Indeed, in that is a sign for people who think.” (An-Nahl, Verse: 68, 69)

God - Glory be to Him, the Most High - has mentioned in His Noble Book an-Nahl, as He named an entire surah by the name of Surat An-Nahl, for God - Glory be to Him, the Most High - wants to draw our attention to the greatness of this small creature in which the power of God Almighty is manifested (My Minister, the miracles of the Noble Qur’an in architecture and construction, p.: 144).

Social class organization
Extensive studies have been conducted about this kingdom, showing the divisions between bee species and defining the mission of each of them:

A class whose task is to collect flower nectar and deposit it in its warehouses from the hive.
And a class that works inside the cell to build hexagonal houses, and the choice of the hexagonal shape did not come as an agreement, but rather from a choice and wisdom; Any other geometric shape cannot fill all the blanks, but neglected angles remain that are not used, and the hexagonal shape does not have any neglected angle. There is a class of bees that prepares special food for the queen, and the queen’s task is only to procreate, because after she lays her eggs, she dies to choose a new queen from among the next generation, and all species similar to the chosen queen are killed so that the queen does not contest her authority, and there is a guard at the door of the hive who carefully searches the workers It is infinite, so that which falls on an impurity or something foul-smelling, its penalty will be killing or expulsion and prevention from entering the cell (Mustafa Muslim, Investigations in the Miracles of the Qur’an, p.: 218). The kingdom of bees consists of 3 categories: females and workers, females, queens and males (Al-Rawi, The Great Qur’an Hadith, p.: 363).

The nature and composition of honey
To show God - Glory be to Him the Most High - the miracles of his book and to show its verses to people in this age, he has subjugated people to study the nature and composition of honey, and they went to dissecting the body of a bee and extracting the poison in its stomach and analyzing it to identify its properties, and they reached impressive results that reveal the miracle of the immortal book: From their bellies emerges a drink of various colors in which there is healing for people” (An-Nahl, verse 70), and in the following, references to some of these results:

As for the composition of honey, they found that it is composed of:

(25-40) Dextrose (glucose)
(30 - 45) Liviose (fructose)
(15-25) water
And the glucose in it is more than any other food, and it is the doctor’s weapon in most diseases, and its use is constantly increasing with the progress of medicine. Poisoning arising from liver diseases and gastro-intestinal disorders and against toxicity in diets, such as typhoid, cerebral meningitis, in cases of heart failure, and in cases of angina pectoris, particularly in general infiltrates arising from acute kidney infections, in brain congestion and in brain tumors.

In America and England currently, there are apiaries that have no purposes other than raising bees to extract their serum, and treatments have worked from them for many rheumatic diseases, lambago, and sciatica, and they have succeeded in treating trachoma (granular conjunctivitis), and science still brings us every day a medical benefit from the benefits of what Comes out from the stomachs of bees of honey and poison.

During the wars, doctors used honey to treat wounds caused by intractable bullet wounds that failed to treat with radiation and other antibiotics, and honey has been used and is still a global remedy for colds by adding it to some liquids. .

American and Russian doctors agree that honey is the best treatment for people with stomach and duodenal ulcers, to be taken an hour or more before meals, and the best times are before breakfast, and there are advantages to drinking it after mixing it in a cup of warm water. Some Russian and Chinese doctors have prescribed honey to treat skin diseases, abscesses, and boils. Treating corneal ulcers in the eye with honey has given amazing results.

American Dr. Beck says, "Cancer is mostly unknown among beekeepers, and this is due either to the honey that beekeepers eat constantly, or as a result of royal jelly or pollen contained in honey, or it is the result of bee venom resulting from stinging," and experiments have proven if patients take Sugar honey under the supervision of a doctor, their blood sugar drops and returns to the normal state. These are some of what they reached regarding the issue of bees after evolution and the drink that comes out of their stomachs, and who knows what will happen after the development of the means of knowledge and discovery? You may discover properties of honey that are many times what they know now, and the eternal miracle will remain for them “in it is a cure for people” (Mustafa Muslim, Investigations in the Miracles of the Qur’an, p.: 223).

Female bees
Perhaps the reader realizes that it is the female worker bees that carry out all activities without the other two groups, and therefore the other Qur’anic miracle in science and accuracy of expression is noted here, which is that the two verses in Surat Al-Nahl address the female bees and not their males: “Take houses in the mountains.” Then holistic, fascial, from their bellies.

The Almighty said: “… If you take homes from the mountains, from trees, and from what they build * Then eat of all the fruits, then follow the paths of your Lord submissively. Out of their bellies emerges a drink of different colors in which there is healing for people. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who reflect” (An-Nahl, verse: 68, 69).

Was the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - a "biologist" in order to distinguish the female worker bees from between the queen and the males, as being the intended group in the two noble verses? It is the shining divine truth that the Noble Qur’an was revealed “for a people who reflect” (Al-Rawi, Hadith of the Holy Qur’an, p.: 364).

The females in the kingdom of bees are the ones who do all the effort and work in their colonies, and the males are only for pollination only, and they do not appear until before the pollination season, then they die and perish (Waziri, The Miracle of the Noble Qur’an in Architecture and Urbanism, p.: 145).

Bee houses
In the noble verse, there is a reference to the dwellings of bees and their different types. There are wild species of bees that inhabit the mountains, and some of them are subspecies that take shelter from the trees by taking refuge in the parts of the tree from the holes in the tree trunks and leaves and taking shelter from them. Containers made of clay or wood, and entomologists have found that bees perform this behavior instinctively, that is, not as a result of acquired knowledge, and this is evidence of the Almighty’s saying: - And there is no evidence for the scientific miracle of the Qur’an that it comprehends everything that bees can take as a dwelling, as previously mentioned, because if we review the types of bees, we find that they take their homes in mountains and caves, and in the earth “the soil of all kinds”, and in the trunks of trees.

Bee architect
Among the signs of the Creator Almighty’s inspiration for bees is that they take the hexagonal shape as a basis for building their dwelling out of the wax they produce. In addition to the fact that this "hexagonal" geometric shape is fully prepared to perform the previous functions, the hexagonal shape of the eye requires the least amount of structural material "wax", and the hexagonal shape is the best geometric shapes that do not result in interstitial spaces, and that the number of eyes of them is in an area Certain shapes outnumber the other shapes in the same space, because the hexagon is the only shape that if each one of them is combined into its likes, there will be no gap between them. We find that when the honey bee fills the hexagonal eye with honey, it covers it with a cover of pure wax so that the honey does not absorb moisture or any odors.

Then eat of all the fruits
Bees fly to sip the nectar of flowers, so they move away from their cell thousands of meters, then return to it again without missing it and enter another cell, bearing in mind that the cells in the apiaries are similar and stacked next to each other, through the senses that God - Glory be to Him - has endowed with the senses. Developed from sight and tattoo. God Almighty has provided the bee with senses to help it in the exploration journey to gather food. It is equipped with the following:

Strong sense of smell through the two horns in the front.
Developed eyes that can sense ultraviolet rays, and therefore they see what our eyes do not see, such as some of the paths and inscriptions that guide and lead to the nectar store. The worker bees pass through 500 to 1500 flowering trees before the honey pocket is filled in their hollow, and this scientific fact is completely consistent with what the Almighty revealed to them in His saying: “Then eat of all the fruits” (Waziri, The Miracles of the Noble Qur’an in Architecture and Urbanism, p.: 149).

On the return trip, the bee is guided to its home with both senses of sight and smell. As for the sense of smell, it recognizes the special smell that is characteristic of the cell. As for the sense of sight, it helps to remember the features of the exploration journey. It is noticed that when the bees leave the house, they turn towards it and stand or fly in front of it for a while, as if they are examining it and studying it until it is imprinted in its memory. Then, they fly around it in circles that are getting wider and larger, and they do this by preserving the place of the house; So that she can return to him easily, and this is the evidence of the Almighty’s saying: “So follow the paths of your Lord in humiliation.” That is, he will walk in the earth among the flowers, searching for nectar, with the senses and organs that Allah, Glory be to Him, has made subservient to you.(Dr  Ali Al-Sallabi)


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