What are the dangers of potatoes and fried food on health?

What are the dangers of potatoes and fried food on health?

What are the most prominent drinks that destroy heart health?
Is Low Fat Peanut Butter a Healthy Option? What about breakfast cereal? What are the health risks of potatoes and fried food? Which is better eating alone or with the family? The answers to these and other questions are in this comprehensive report.

Peanut butter is an excellent snack for protein and healthy fats. But some companies promoting low - fat quality in order to attract customers, according to a report writer Samantha Bush published on "ITT Thisday notes with the American" (Eat This, Not That) .

The author quoted nutrition and diet expert Courtney D'Angelo that what happens when companies reduce the amount of fat in peanut butter, is that they actually add other ingredients that may be unhealthy, such as processed sugar and corn syrup, that are necessary to compensate for the taste that the butter loses when the fat is removed .

So if you're making a delicious peanut butter sandwich, it's best to avoid the low-fat ones, as they often contain sugar, which will lead to eating a lot of unhealthy carbs, leading to high blood sugar levels and weight gain.

Many adults and children are used to starting their day with morning breakfast cereal mixed with sugar, but in reality this meal is worse than people might imagine.

Specialist Courtney D'Angelo says, "The bad news with these chips is that they contain a large amount of sugar, and eating them in the morning in particular increases the risk of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and many other chronic diseases. There are types of breakfast cereals in the market. They contain more sugar than sweets and biscuits.

French fries are dangerous to health, potatoes, cancer

What are the dangers of potatoes and fried food on health?
Potato chips or chips may be delicious, but they consume too many calories at one time. One ounce of potato chips (about 28 grams) contains about 152 calories and 10 grams of fat. This means that two handfuls of them can make you exceed 500 calories in just a few moments.

Courtney D'Angelo also warns that frying food in oil is one of the worst methods of food preparation, and should be avoided or reduced, because these foods are full of fat, calories and salt, when they are dipped in hot oil that is often full of saturated fat, which leads High levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (bad cholesterol).

This type of harmful cholesterol may not be noticed by consumers, but over time it accumulates in the body and leads to clogging of the arteries, and can cause diseases such as atherosclerosis.

Foods that can help in lowering blood cholesterol, cholesterol, cholesterol, fats

What are the most prominent drinks that destroy heart health?
If you are concerned about your health or concerned about your chances of developing heart disease, you should stop drinking some types of drinks. Author Cheyenne Buckingham says in a report published by It This Not That , that maintaining heart function and avoiding troubles and health risks requires staying away from some fluids that destroy vital functions in the body. Even if it is difficult to completely quit these drinks, they should at least be consumed in moderation and within the framework of a balanced diet.

These drinks are:

1- Soda drinks
Soda is a source of empty calories, meaning that the calories you get from added sugars don't provide any nutritional value to the body. As a result, the extra sugar you consume with a glass of soda causes you to gain weight time and time again, and eventually you will suffer from chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and high sugar levels.

Instead, nutritionist Elizabeth Claudas advises drinking sparkling water, and staying away from soda drinks, even if it says diet soda, meaning that it is directed to diet, yet it will negatively affect the intestines.

2- Fruit juice
This may surprise you, as although some juices such as orange juice may be a good source of vitamins and antioxidants, they do not contain any dietary fiber. This means that they will not make you feel full and will not provide you with many of the benefits that you will get when eating the fruit in its original state, but these juices play a role similar to sugary soda drinks.

Instead, the nutritionist advises eating whole grains because they are rich in fiber and lower cholesterol.

3- Energy drinks
These drinks contain caffeine and other types of stimulants, which raise blood pressure and increase the risk of heart rhythm disturbances.

Therefore, Elizabeth Claudas recommends going out for a run or doing sports movements in order to activate the body and increase the energy level, away from the risks associated with these harmful drinks.

Which is better eating alone or with the family?
In a report published by the Spanish magazine cuidateplus , writer Pilar Laguna says that meeting for food is a human habit that has been practiced since ancient times in various cultures. Over the past decades, families have come together for dinners on weekends and holidays.

A number of experts believe that eating with family members - which sometimes gathers 3 generations around one table - constitutes an added social value. Today, this idea extends beyond the family, and includes meals with friends and co-workers.

Studies show that families who gather around food regularly consume more fruits, vegetables and fiber than others, and eat fewer fried foods and fast food. This helps children adopt healthy eating habits, avoid obesity, and try new foods, especially vegetables and fish.

Some psychological and social studies have shown that families who gather for food are more cohesive and communicative than others, which helps reduce behavioral problems and improve school performance.

In the current era, it has become difficult for family members to gather at the table during the day. Usually the children eat at school, the father or mother at the workplace, and the family may only gather for dinners, or on the weekends.

Most of the consultations they deal with are small families or people living alone, says Ruth Garcia, project director of the Official Association of Dietitians in Valencia. She points out in this context that "years ago, we used to prepare menus for families of 4 or 5 people, but most of the menus that we are currently preparing are for families consisting of one or two people."

"Because of the fast pace of life, even though they eat together, it's TV and cell phones that get the most attention," she says.

The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends eating with the family at least one day a week, and explains that the way a family eats affects eating habits from an early age.

Advantages of single eating
In the face of theses encouraging group eating, many experts favor individual eating, and argue that group eating causes us to eat more.

One reason for this phenomenon is that when you eat with friends, more time is spent at the table, which motivates you to keep eating and not be embarrassed about overeating. On the other hand, individual eating makes a person more able to control the amount of food he eats.

But one study showed that those over 50 who ate alone ate fewer fruits and vegetables, and that men who ate alone had a 45% higher risk of obesity.

The writer explains that individual eating habits differ from one person to another, some cook and freeze healthy meals and plan daily eating menus, while others rely on "burgers" and other fast foods, so it cannot be said that individual eating in itself poses a health risk.

According to the writer, the most dangerous factor and the most prominent reason for losing control of food quantities is eating processed foods in front of a computer, television or mobile phone. "This is often associated with higher body mass indexes and higher levels of stress, whether you eat alone or with someone, the important thing is to have enough knowledge about healthy food," says Ruth Garcia.


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