Moral foundation of the synagogue at Al-Aqsa Mosque

Every year, the season of the Jewish New Year holidays, and what follows, such as Yom Kippur, and up to the Throne Day, witness qualitative developments in the settlement scene inside the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.
A group of religious Jews near one of the walls of the occupied city of Jerusalem celebrating one of their religious rituals.
Extremist temple groups seek to take advantage of this golden opportunity annually to take steps in the project of Judaizing the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and to find a firm foothold in it.
Although the movements of the extremist right-wing groups declined slightly after the events of last Ramadan 28, the recent events in the mosque confirm that these groups were able to regain a large part of the momentum they had gained in the past few years, especially since 2019.
Perhaps this momentum came now thanks to the presence of Naftali Bennett, the extreme right-winger with five seats in the Israeli Knesset, at the helm of the Israeli government. Bennett keeps trying to preserve his small fan base by trying to assert his right daily.
A very serious report published by the Al-Quds Foundation last week, which included detailed information explaining the efforts of extremist temple groups to establish the alleged spiritually-claimed Third Temple on the land of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, by imposing religious rituals in the heart of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.
This is what we have already noticed during the past few years, especially on the Day of Atonement, which witnessed the entry of extremist groups to Al-Aqsa Mosque in religious clothes for that occasion, as well as on the Throne Day, when some of the sons of these groups introduced the so-called “fruits of the throne” into the mosque. Al-Aqsa and their publicly known religious practices!
It is true that the occupation police are trying to impose themselves in the picture by accompanying those who do these acts outside the mosque, but they do so after the end of the act itself, so as to ensure that the members of these extremist groups have already been able to perform the religious ritual they desire in full, not to mention that some members of The occupation police in Al-Aqsa Mosque are already considered members of these groups or their supporters, and a video of one of the policemen chanting religious hymns inside Al-Aqsa Mosque was spread some time ago!
In addition, the report of the Al-Quds Foundation included a very serious reference - for the first time - to the role of Arab parties in ignoring what is currently happening, as the report referred to some decisions of the Director of Islamic Endowments in Jerusalem, preventing the guards of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and its employees from filming the events taking place in Al-Aqsa and publishing it in The media, which explains the current weak coverage of the violations of extremist groups inside the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the restriction of media materials that document what is happening, such as photos and videos, to what the members of these groups themselves publish on social media and the media, or what is surreptitiously filmed from a distance of no less than 20- 30 meters, which made a number of the most serious current attacks pass without noise, as happened on the day of the Hebrew New Year holiday, which witnessed for the first time since the occupation the sounding of the Jewish trumpet inside the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, without anyone being able to photograph or document the incident unfortunately, and we were satisfied with testimonies The guards, the guards and the workers in the mosque, in addition to the mediaThe Israeli who confirmed the incident without photographing it.
These incomprehensible events and positions indicate that there is - at least - a defect in some Arab official bodies in Jerusalem and abroad in understanding the most effective way to confront the official Israeli policy and the policies of extreme right-wing groups in Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Some official decision-making circles in Jerusalem still think that ignoring these attacks may give an opportunity to the “wise men” in the occupation government and its security departments to stop these extremist groups.
In fact, both understandings are incorrect, as demonstrated by the successive events in Al-Aqsa Mosque since 2015. It has been clear beyond any doubt that the Israeli occupation does not retreat except under intense popular, official and international pressure, and it does not fear anything more than the explosion of the situation in Al-Aqsa, which may lead to a third intifada. This is what makes him stop completely and immediately retract any massive popular escalation in Jerusalem, and this strategy has proven its feasibility in many stations, such as the Bab al-Asbat gift that brought down the electronic gates project in 2017, and the Bab al-Rahma gift that broke the will of the occupation at Bab al-Rahma in Al-Aqsa Mosque in 2019, and the events of 28 Ramadan this year, which put the occupation in a new deterrent equation in which all components of the Palestinian people, especially Gaza, entered.
As for the cases of popular stagnation and official silence that went beyond silence to silencing the voices that announce and publish what is happening, they are considered by the occupation as the golden opportunity to advance and regain its momentum, in a simple, small equation that we must all understand: the extremist groups of the temple are advancing a step, and the occupation police and security departments pretend to prevent them, Then the temple groups take another step, so the occupation police forget the first step and focus on the second step, pretending to prevent it, then skip it to the next step, and so on.
The temple groups took a step forward in entering Al-Aqsa in religious clothes under their normal clothes, so the occupation forces pretended to prevent them, then the temple groups advanced after a while and started reading religious hymns inside the mosque. Another step was to prostrate inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque, so the occupation forces pretended to prevent them and ignored that they were publicly reciting their religious hymns, and so, step by step, in complete coordination.
The conclusion is clear: we must understand that the extremist synagogue groups and the Israeli government apparatus are two sides of the same coin, and they work together in complete coordination to establish the moral foundation of the Temple in Al-Aqsa Mosque, no matter what appears to us otherwise. Haaretz newspaper referred to this fact in its editorial on September 19, 2021, stating The issue of the Jews performing their religious rites freely in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque is a matter on which all segments of the occupation society are unanimous, including the secularists, who can only support extremist groups in their efforts to Judaize Al-Aqsa Mosque!
Is there any excuse after that for those who still wear black glasses over their eyes and ignore what is happening?!(Abdullah Maarouf)
A very serious report published by the Al-Quds Foundation last week, which included detailed information explaining the efforts of extremist temple groups to establish the alleged spiritually-claimed Third Temple on the land of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, by imposing religious rituals in the heart of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.