Leaked clips and reports amid a media silence you know the "hell" that Indian Muslims live in
Amidst international silence and media blackout, the Muslims of India are constantly subjected to systematic violence, murder, abuse and all forms of persecution, fueled by the Indian media machine and extremist Hindu rhetoric, until the life of this minority has become impossible.
Since Narendra Modi came to power in 2014, the violence and forced displacement of India's Muslim minority has seen an alarming rise. This minority has been living under the brunt of racist crimes since the 1960s, without the international community taking action to stop the systematic genocide waged by Hindus relentlessly.
During the recent period, several video clips and captured scenes have been leaked, which have spread widely on various media and social media around the world, clearly condemning the involvement of the Indian authorities and extremist Hindu gangs in violating all international laws and human values, and shedding the harshest forms of persecution and persecution. On the Muslim minority in various Indian provinces.
India the ugliest form of Islamophobia in the world
In the latest racist attacks, Hindu activists ignited on the night of Tuesday, October 26, major protests that roamed the city of Banisagar in the Indian state of Tripura, located on the border bordering Bangladesh, and inhabited by a group of Muslims.
The protests quickly escalated and violence erupted in the town, in which the mosque was looted and assaulted, many houses and shops were burned, and anti-Muslim incendiary slogans were raised, forcing the Muslim residents of Banisagar to flee the city to save their lives.
After that, some media sources spoke that the Indian policemen were finally able, before the events developed in a more horrific way, to cordon off the place and stop the skirmishes, without resulting in any deaths.
While a resident of Tripura from the Muslim minority confirmed that the events that erupted on Tuesday in Banisagar, were the latest in a series of attacks they have been exposed to throughout this month, and it does not seem that they will stop there.
In the same context, many media and security sources indicate that the revenge attacks that targeted Muslims in Tripura are actually led by the "Vishva Hindu Parshad VHP", a right-wing organization that includes more than 6 million people, and has been famous throughout history for its criminal and racist acts that targeted Muslims on an ongoing basis. In 1992, the Babri Mosque in the Indian city of Ayodhya, which dates back to centuries ago, was demolished.
The violence in Tripura was not the only one in the recent period, as Muslims in the Indian state of Assam have also been subjected to forced displacement since September 20 last. In practice, the authorities began arbitrarily removing the homes and homes of more than 800 Muslim families, on the grounds that they were built on state-owned land.
While the residents of Assam faced the forced displacement campaigns with protests and demonstrations, the Indian police forces shot and killed the protestors, and the evictions continued, disregarding all the proof of ownership. Perhaps the most inhuman and shocking scene in these events at the time, was what was circulated on social media, of the killing of a young man in his thirties by police bullets and then they jumped on his body and kicked him, bragging about this in front of the camera lenses of accompanying journalists.
The attacks and crimes did not stop there, as they deliberately undermined the morale of Muslims in India. Recently, some Hindu groups offered pictures of Indian Muslim women and girls to auction for cheap prices, as a form of racial humiliation.
Between displacement, killing and abuse, Muslims in India suffer daily the most severe and severe suffering, with government support, media incitement, and security collusion. The scenes and clips leaked to the media are only a small part of the terrible truth of the ethnic cleansing they are subjected to amid international silence, as pointed out by several human rights activists.
Plan for ethnic cleansing
While millions of Muslims live on Indian soil, the numbers conflict between the last official census in 2011, which says that their number was 172 million, and current unofficial statistics that say the number has become 154 million, which makes it the largest country with a Muslim minority in the world, but it is considered At the same time, it is home to the worst hate crimes in the world, which are condemned by all international laws and covenants.
Since the Hindus declared their control over India following the end of the British occupation, they considered the Muslims present on its lands to be a mere minority. Accordingly, they practiced various schemes and methods of ethnic cleansing, including killing, forced displacement, extermination and persecution of all rights.
The suffering of the Muslim minority in India increased, with Narendra Modi coming to power, and since that time hatred has mixed with Hindu nationalist sentiments, and resulted in many racist crimes, in which the authorities rewarded those involved as a patriotic act, and did not prosecute them with any kind of punishment, which extended the hands of Hindu extremists to commit more human atrocities, and cut off the hope of Muslims there from any government or legal action that might protect their lives and secure their safety.
In this context, official hate crime statistics indicate that more than 90% of hate crimes in India are committed against Muslims.