Why is it necessary to soak or wash the rice before cooking?

Why is it necessary to soak or wash the rice before cooking?

Rice consumption is growing rapidly worldwide. In many Asian countries, rice is an important part of every meal of the day.

Some people also use milk made from rice as a substitute for regular milk. Consumption of other rice products is also increasing worldwide.

How big a problem arsenic or arsenic is in rice. And what should we do to get rid of the insecure amount?

Arsenic is found naturally in soil and water. It can be toxic and the European Union has listed it as a carcinogen.

How much arsenic in rice?

Because arsenic is found in soil and water, it is possible that some of it may be lost in crops. But in general, the levels of arsenic in our food and drink are so low that it is not time to worry about it.

But rice has ten to twenty times higher levels of arsenic than other crops. This is because water is used extensively in rice cultivation. This makes it much easier for arsenic to enter rice from the soil.

Andy Miharg, a professor at Queen's University in Belfast, has been researching this for years. Based on research and testing, he told that basmati rice had lower levels of arsenic than other types of rice. Brown rice is high in arsenic.

According to Professor Meharg, even the production of organic crops does not affect the level of arsenic. Rice milk contains far more arsenic than drinking water.

Presence of arsenic in rice

Dr. Meharg explains that in the past, arsenic in rice products was no longer allowed.

There are laws in the UK under which arsenic in rice cannot exceed a limited amount.

In 2014, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization issued guidelines on the presence of arsenic in rice. The European Union has also set limits on the amount of arsenic in goods sold in Europe.

How much rice is suitable to eat?

This is a difficult question and it is not possible to give a definitive answer at this time. But based on the current information, it can be estimated.

How much arsenic is 'out of danger'? According to a report by the US Food Standards Agency, eating 100 grams of rice is considered good for a person weighing more than 70 kg. But these figures should not be taken into account in determining the daily diet. It is also important to keep in mind that arsenic can enter our body through other foods and water.

The European Union has also announced a limit on the amount of arsenic in items sold to young children. Concerns were also raised about arsenic levels in northeastern India and states like East Bengal.

Professor Andy Meharg believes that more needs to be done to protect people who eat more rice, including children.

What is the opinion of international organizations?

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) says rice is an important part of the diet in some parts of the world and its adequate supply is important to ensure safe food. The presence of toxic substances in the diet, such as arsenic, can harm human lives. And important steps need to be taken to address it. The maximum amount of arsenic in a kilogram of polished rice up to 0.2 mg has been declared good from the point of view of public health and trade.

How to reduce arsenic from rice ?

Like other foods, rice consumption should be balanced. In most cases, the use of rice is not a concern, but it can be a risk factor for those who eat large amounts of rice or other foods made from rice.

But if you soak the rice overnight and cook it after washing it thoroughly with clean water the next day, the level of arsenic in it can be reduced.

Even during rice cooking, if the rice water is changed after a boil, it also helps to reduce arsenic. Cooking rice in this way can reduce the arsenic in it by up to 80%.


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