The risk of getting diabetes if corona is infected

This is about the month of September last year. Vipul Shah, who was battling a severe infection of Kovid-19, was admitted to a hospital in Mumbai for 11 days. 47-year-old Vipul did not already have diabetes, so doctors gave him steroids to treat corona infection.

Due to the infection of coronavirus, there is swelling in the lungs, which doctors use steroids to reduce. Through this, the person can also be saved to some extent from the damage caused to the immune system fighting the virus in the body.

But the use of steroids reduces the immunity of the body. Apart from people suffering from diabetes, it can increase the amount of sugar in the blood of common Kovid-19 patients.

It has been a year since Vipul recovered from corona infection, but he is still taking medicines to control his blood sugar.

Vipul Shah, a stock trader by profession, says, "I know many people who, like me, are taking medicines to control diabetes after recovering from COVID-19."

Experts treating corona infected are seeing cases of diabetes in infected people these days.

Experts say that diabetes has also been seen in those people who did not already have it. Doctors are calling it diabetes caused by Kovid-19.

Dr. Venkatesh Shivane, a diabetes specialist at KEM Hospital, Mumbai, said, "Diabetes cases have been seen in less than 10 percent of the patients in corona infected, even after this it is a matter of concern."

There is a study going on around the world regarding diabetes caused by Kovid-19 infection. Patients who have diabetes, high blood pressure are more prone to corona infection.

Why does having diabetes increase the risk of heart disease? Before knowing about this, it is important to know that why does the level of sugar increase after being infected with corona? According to experts, the main reasons for this are-

In diabetic people, a lot of stress arises due to corona infection and disease. Stress increases the sugar level.
The intake of steroids during treatment also increases the amount of sugar.
In people who never had symptoms of diabetes, sugar levels rise rapidly after infection.

Corona infection raises sugar level?
According to doctors treating corona infected, during the last one year, many patients have mentioned problems related to diabetes during infection.

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Dr. Venkatesh Shivane explains about how the sugar level can increase due to corona infection-

The corona virus spreads rapidly by binding to ACE-2 receptors in the lungs. These ACE-2 receptors are also present in the beta cells of the pancreas.

The corona virus attacks and breaks beta cells, this reduces the release of insulin in the body, due to which the amount of sugar in the body increases.
According to experts, the insulin released from the pancreas controls the amount of sugar in the body. Due to its deficiency, patients have to give insulin or other medicines.

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Dr. Rahul Bakshi, Consultant Diabetes Specialist, Bombay Hospital, assesses these patients in three categories, according to him-

Many times patients do not know that they have a problem with sugar. In such a situation, it is being found during the test that the level of sugar in his body has increased.
In many cases, the sugar is at the border level, they are called pre-diabetic. When such people are corona infected, their sugar level increases.
There are also some patients whose HbA1c sugar reports are normal for three months and after that the sugar level suddenly increases.
Dr. Shweta Budyal, Endocrinologist at Fortis Hospital, said, “It has been found that corona can cause diabetes. Corona virus directly affects the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. One or two visits to our hospital every week Patients are coming with the problem of post covid diabetes."

At the same time, Dr. V. Mohan, a senior diabetologist, has told NDTV, "According to the researchers, the corona virus attacks the beta cells of the pancreas."

diabetes due to covid
37-year-old Nitin Paradkar (name changed) works in a private company and has been diagnosed with diabetes after Kovid.

He told, "I had a mild corona infection. I was not given steroids during the treatment. But when I recovered from Kovid, the doctors told me that the sugar level in my body has increased. Even after three weeks, the sugar level It was too much. Now I am taking diabetes medicines."

Will diabetes caused by covid last a lifetime?

Dr. Venkatesh Shivane and his team are studying diabetes caused by corona virus. These people have found that the sugar level of some corona infected was 200 to 250 while that of some was between 300 and 400.

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Dr. Shivane says, "Patients who do not have a genetic predisposition to diabetes and their sugar level was normal, they have also become diabetic after Kovid."

To the question whether the covid infection caused by covid infection will last for a lifetime, Dr. Shivane said, "We have seen that patients who have increased sugar level during corona infection, it became normal after a few days. But type-2 Even later, increased sugar levels were seen in diabetics. More studies are needed to know how long diabetes occurs during corona infection.

Does the use of steroids increase the sugar level?

Steroids play an important role during the treatment of corona infection but its consumption increases the level of sugar inside the body.

Dr. Rahul Bakshi said, "Whether a patient is diabetic or not, his sugar level increases after taking steroids." To control the increased sugar, the doctor then gives insulin.

Dr. Bakshi explains, "Many times it is seen that even after reducing the amount of steroids or discontinuing it, the sugar level of the patient is not decreasing. This means that there has been some change in their body. Due to which they are not able to reduce the sugar level. Such patients need medicines for diabetes.

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How important is post covid care?
Dr. Shivane explains, "There is no need to celebrate after recovering from Kovid, if you are diabetic then you have won half the battle. Controlling the sugar level in the body is most important in the fight against corona.

For people who have recovered from Corona, they suggest that-

Every corona infected person should be tested for diabetes.
Especially those who are in quarantine in their homes, they should check their sugar level.
It is very important to control the sugar level within 180 days of recovery from corona.
The sugar level should be between 70 and 180.
Hb1c (three-month average sugar level) should be less than 7.

At the same time, Dr. Altmas Shaikh, Endocrinologist of Wokart Hospital, advises diabetic patients, "They should eat food on time and in proper quantity. One should avoid eating too much at a time. Eat something in small amounts at an interval of two hours. Want food."

Apart from this, Sheikh says-

Tomato or spinach soup should be taken in case of cold or fever.
Green vegetables, grains and pulses should be eaten and buttermilk should be drunk.
Two-three eggs should be taken in breakfast. Chicken and fish can be eaten in food.
Diabetic patients should not eat fried or sweet food.
Sufficient water should be drunk, the amount of water in the body should not be reduced.
Research on diabetes due to corona
King's College London and Monash University Australia are studying whether corona infection can cause diabetes. For this, researchers have prepared the Koviddiabe register.

Professor Paul Zimmett, a researcher at Monash University and Honorary President of the International Diabetes Federation, said, "We do not yet know how many people have become diabetic due to corona infection. Diabetes is present even after recovery or their diabetes has ended. That's why we have created this registry. We have appealed to people internationally to give information about this."

"We have provided our information to the registry. So far 600 cases have been reported from all over the world and this number is increasing continuously."


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